Reach out to explore collaboration opportunities, seek advice, or simply connect. Let’s bring your ideas to life with expert guidance and innovative solutions.

Project Inquiries

Got a project in mind? Whether it’s developing a dynamic web solution or enhancing an existing platform, I’m here to bring your vision to life. Share your project details, and let’s discuss how we can work together.

Technical Advice

Facing a technical challenge? With expertise in both front-end and back-end development, I can provide the insights and solutions you need to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

Contact Tim

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St. Louis Locals Only Discount

Are you a proud St. Louisan? In honor of our beloved Cardinals’ 11 World Series titles, I’m offering a special 11% discount on my development services exclusively for St. Louis businesses. It’s my way of saying thanks for being part of this amazing city! Whether you need a new website or a tech tune-up, let’s knock it out of the park together. Ready to hit a grand slam with your project? Reach out and let’s get started!

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